I was one of the artists invited this year to paint for Nummela Art Night. My crew mate Deos was also invited. Our task was to paint a pre-built surface, shaped as a pyramid, few weeks before the actual festival took place.
I was one of the artists invited this year to paint for Nummela Art Night. My crew mate Deos was also invited. Our task was to paint a pre-built surface, shaped as a pyramid, few weeks before the actual festival took place.
The “pyramid”, with four triangular shapes, was about two and half meters in height. And we had to paint it in the shape it was built. So the task was a bit challenging. But like always when painting with Deos, also very very fun.
Due to stormy weather the event was cancelled at the very last minute. Since all the artwork was already delivered on the spot, people were still able to enjoy them – for free – for the following weekend.