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Random Observations
Eyes on the Horizon

Eyes on the Horizon

Espoo City Museum holds an exhibition, “Eyes on the horizon”, between 14.2.2019-2.2.2020. It covers various aspects of city history and themes related to seaside. Most of the southern parts of the city are bordered by the sea.

Kivenlahti region has a strong role in the exhibition. A lot of inhabitants of the area participated in workshops held by the museum where people were allowed to make suggestions of the content they’d like to be presented in the exhibition. Many of them mentioned my graffities from the 90’s! So the museum contacted me and asked if I’d be interested in participating with some photos. And of course I was.

Only one photo from me is presented in the actual exhibition but we gathered a digital guide to the Kivenlahti area of the nineties. The guide has about twenty pictures with short stories, check it out here.
